Cannes glitter

He has photographed from Robert De Niro and Uma Thurman to Akira Kurosawa, Krzysztof Kislovsky, Roman Polanski, but also perhaps all the important International as well as Greek stars and artists, scientists and politicians. Active photography legend and internationally acclaimed photographer Vangelis Rassias has a resume that “travels” from Greece to Brazil and from the Cote d’Azur to Paris. His first portrait was that of director Costas Gavras in 1982, when he won the Golden Palm for the film “Missing”. He is now permanently based in Greece, but his international experience and philosophy are reflected in every shot.

EFE (Hellenic Photographic Society) organizes a presentation of the rich photographic work of Vangelis Rassias in Cannes – only part of the whole of an enviable artistic career of 42 years, in one of his rare appearances.

Rassias himself says characteristically about how he perceives the photograph: “The great psychologist Jacques Lacan said the following: “The unconscious is structured as a language”. The photograph does not have its own word, i.e. there is no such thing as “a picture, a thousand words”. We, the viewers, have the language. The photo provides the stimulus. But it has a signifier and a signified. The signifier is the tree and the signified is the forest. This is what I seek to do through photography, so that my portraits are timeless. If the photograph does not have a signifier and a signified, portraits do not stand the test of time.”

The photographs to be presented have been published under the name of Vangelis Rassias in Greek, French and American publications. He works with the Global Image Works agency in New York.

Exhibition Center EFE – Hellenic Photographic Society: Pontou 12, Ilisia, Athens Tel. 210 8228131

Presentation: Wednesday 28-2-2024, 19.00
Free entrance

You can see more about the work of Vangelis Rassias on Social Media at the following links:



Tumblr:  (Archives of Actors & Directors)  (Nudes & Women’s Bodies)  


All sanitary measures for Covid -19 will be observed during the exhibition.

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