“The fashion show is a springboard that goes beyond the collection itself.” These are the words of Alessandro Sartori, creative director of Zegna, about the new Autumn/Winter 2025-26 collection presented in Milan. It is no news that the brand is increasingly expanding its range of activities – visits to the wool mill, explorations of the Zegna Oasis and appointments around the world with Villa Zegna are an effective tool for communicating the brand’s history and values.
“Think slowly, act quickly – this is the attitude we must have today to satisfy an audience that represents 4% of our community, but whose purchases correspond to 40% of the total,” explains Gildo Zegna, chairman and CEO of the group.
And references to Ermenegildo can also be found in the Vellus Aureum capsule collection, which will be available in selected stores from February 5. Made with the finest quality wool that can be used to produce clothes (between 12 and 13 microns, even finer than baby cashmere, which is around 13.5), it pays homage to one of the founder’s many ideas. In 1963, Ermenegildo Zegna won an award for the finest yarn of the year, which is given to Australian breeders. “We have even developed stable fabrics starting from the maximum usable finenesses, resulting in astonishing results – even for us,” Sartori adds.