The new album of the Region of Crete, which draws photographic material from the four Regional Units of the island, was recently presented at a glittering event with notable participation of the public and representatives of tourism bodies. The album, as the Regional Governor said, has already made its presence felt in many places around the world. In this way, the authentic landscape and aura of the island is conveyed, dominated by the deep blue of the sea and its contrast with the colours of the hinterland, as well as the experiences, emotions, colours, flavours and leisure and relaxation activities in every season. The overall curation passed through the hands of award-winning photographer Marina Vernikos and reflects beauties and landmarks of Crete through her photographic eye. The initial inspiration and motivation to Mrs.Vernikou came from the businesswoman Mrs.Eva Simiaki, who also coordinated the presentation.”It took four years – due to the pandemic – and several photo shoots to capture all the material from every region of the island. Crete challenged me for creative photographic action with my senses heightened, in order to capture with my lens the beauty and vastness of the landscape and those places where the Divine and the eternal reign, but always in human dimensions,” said the distinguished creator. Marina Vernikou has been nominated for “Photographer of the Year 2018” by National Geographic, and has been awarded the first prize at the Global Art Awards in Dubai, as well as the “Sandro Botticelli” awards at the Palazzo Giucciardi Bongianni, in Florence, and in France, “La Grand Exposition Universelle” at the Eiffel Tower.
