Having as its architectural and decorative philosophy natural materials such as wood, stone and granite, the Brazilian company MF Arquitetos highlights as its construction epitome, “Casa Q04L63”, a country house unlike any other. Located in Rifaina, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, the house belongs to a family of five who come for weekend getaways and vacations. Embracing modernism, horizontal design lines are a hallmark of the house – with the wood-clad walls and ceiling, the elongated kitchen countertop and linear pool covered by a horizontal grey stone wall.
Its distinctive aesthetic was achieved through a palette of materials that blended seamlessly: Egyptian marble floors, bathroom and countertop surfaces made of black slate and rusty granite, and concrete slabs and stones covering the pool area. “All these compositions, combined with a simple and functional volumetric, provide an experience of comfort and elegance for all guests,” say the makers of MF Arquitetos.
Photos Courtesy of Filipe Araujo