Karagatsis lives on!

by Christos Zabounis

It was a little late, but, like all the fashions and trends that come to us from Hesperia, it arrived in our country. The woke culture took on the dimensions of a whirlwind, on the occasion of an article by a young writer (born in 1992) who deconstructed Karagatsis, with the classic reference to the sexism that overflows in his work, within the context of ” vigilance against prejudice and discrimination”, as is its definition. Emerging in the U.S. in the 60s, the woke movement came to action after the murder of George Floyd. In Greece, it took dimensions with the issue of gender and the terms Parent 1 and Parent 2, while it was associated with the rights policy of LGBTI+ and feminists. The “awakened”, deriving from the term “awake”, of the whole world united denounce even Homer and Shakespeare for their misogyny, calling for the cessation of their teaching in American educational institutions. With the Greek writer M. Karagatsis, the keyboards “caught fire”, not exactly to ban the reading of his texts in schools, but to denounce him as “reactionary” by that part of his modern readers, who consider themselves progressive . It is interesting to read the book by Giorgos Karampelias on the subject, entitled “WOKE: the Catholic deconstruction: nation – gender – escape”, where he notes, among other things: “The movement of the woke -“awakened” – expresses a messianism and a fanatical adherence to orthopolitical orthodoxy that harkens back to the darkest moments of totalitarian regimes, without any distinction between the positive and negative elements of European culture.”
