Long live the King!

by Christos Zabounis

The phone call of the editor and creator of “Mancode” Thalis Pitoulis was short and comprehensive. “How about writing an article about the ‘Brave King’ because I think Charles is brave, he proved it, among others, following his true love, but also ever since he was a child, growing up next to the colossus that Queen Elizabeth was.” “Since you set the premise, I’ll pick the title,” I replied. “I know you and I expected it.” We ended our conversation. After all, we all have the image of “Braveheart”, even if he was Scottish. The bravery, in the case of the King of England, as he used to be called, unless the proper term United Kingdom prevails, is that he announced publicly that he has been diagnosed with cancer. His grandfather, George VI, yes the one who stammered, had concealed the same disease, from which he eventually succumbed. He himself, breaking an age-old taboo regarding the health of monarchs, hastened to inform both about the prostate hypertrophy operation and about the finding of a tumor, as cancers are also called. Buckingham Palace’s announcement had a two-fold purpose. To avoid speculation and to make citizens aware of a disease that science is now treating successfully. The statistic that demonstrates the treatment of almost twice as many patients compared to the previous decade is typical. Having been on the throne for just 17 months, Charles faces the new adversity as he has with the other stuff. With bravery.

Photo by Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
