Otro Oaxaca, Mexico

Oaxaca City is a city in southern Mexico known for its rich tradition & arts such as ceramics, weaving and wood carving.

Directly opposite the Church of Santo Domingo de Guzman and the main square, Hotel Otro Oaxaca is a modern complex, hidden behind its historic facade, extending the vitality of the square through a series of picturesque courtyards, a terrace on top floor and cultural spaces.

Otro Oaxaca’s building was designed by the team of local architects at RootStudio, led by João Boto Caeiro, a key figure in the city’s creative community and the catalyst behind the hotel’s personality.

Floating staircases and flickering shadow play define the outdoor spaces, while the interiors, designed by Carlos Couturier, showcase the area’s craftsmanship. Everything from the furniture to the bedding was designed specifically for Otro Oaxaca and handcrafted by local artisans using local materials, creating a utilitarian yet sophisticated atmosphere.

The interiors were designed by Carlos Couturier and architect João Boto Cairo of Grupo Habita and feature custom handmade furniture by local artisans.

The hotel restaurant offers a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere with soft lighting under the shade of trees. Chef Saúl Carranza has been working together at Grupo Habita for over a decade.

The city has a rich history, dating back to pre-Hispanic times, and is close to important archaeological sites such as Monte Albán and Mitla.

Photos by César Béjar
