Porsche 928 Surfari

The story of this custom 928 begins with a father, son, and surfing — in Poland. Tadeusz Elwart, manager of Chałupy 6 campsite and originator of the Hel Riders festival, grew up helping with their seaside campsite. Now grow and running the business, Elwart had his dream car in the garage — a Porsche 928. He and the Hel Riders team set out to build a unique beach buggy capable of hauling surfing gear and navigating the beaches of Poland. Built locally, the 928 was styled by Lange & Lange, twin brothers who have been a part of the Chalupy 6 scene for decades. The build proved its mettle with its debut at the Hel Riders festival, a trip to Germany for the Petro-Surf air-cooled Porsche festival, and then to the island of Rømø in Denmark.

Photos Courtesy of Porsche
