Pulso Hotel Faria Lima

Completed last year on a lush plot in the swish Pinheiros neighbourhood, Praça Henrique Monteiro is one of São Paulo’s most desirable addresses. The mixed-use tower and its interior were designed by Studio Arthur Casas in modern concrete, glass and light wood reminiscent of Brazilian architects like Lina Bo Bardi and Paulo Mendes de la Rocha. The Pulso Hotel Faria Lima, located across several floors of the building, is likewise a huge, new draw in the megacity.

Built with generous blocks of granite, a ceramic feature wall and a tall wood-slat brise-soleil at ground level, it prioritises one most luxurious — and elusive — feature: space. Vast restaurants have extra-long tables, ceilings are high, and all windows run floor to ceiling. Glass makes up one entire wall in the raised indoor swimming pool and lounge, with a thick garden on one side and a wellness area to the other, taking up an entire floor.

The 57 apartment-sized guest rooms are incredibly smart in every sense of the word. Measuring from 32 square metres to twice that size, they all have balconies with greenery and integrated touch-control for lights and window shades, entertainment streaming and 24-hour butler service. Casas sourced furniture personally, selecting Brazilian designers like Jorge Zalszupin and Percival Lafer and art by Geraldo de Barros from São Paulo’s Bixiga antique market and the area’s boutiques.

Photos Courtesy ofwww.pulsohotel.com