Toro House in Mexico

This house, with approximately 250 square meters of construction, is located in La Barra, a region characterized by rugged terrain. This very terrain offered the house’s arxhitects an exceptional location, elevated enough to provide sea and mountain views practically from the street.

Inside, habitable spaces are developed, open to allow the flow of naturally cooled air from the gentle sea breeze, eliminating the need for air conditioning. Large sliding screens made from wood strips define the interior spaces and encourage a versatile architecture in which the interior blends with the exterior. The living areas and rooms transform into terraces, and the dining room integrates with the pool. The program’s distribution and the ability to open entire sections of the house create an interactive circuit between spaces, turning the house into a meeting point between the residents and nature.

The choice of materials is based on the importance of using local elements crafted by the community. The sea, sand, and vegetation were the main sources of inspiration when selecting the materials that make up this project. The blue tones of rustic concrete evoke the sea, while the arches recall the waves breaking on the sand-colored chukum floors and walls. The macuil wood of the screens rises like a forest protecting from the sun.

Photos by Cesar BelioVictor MoralesRichard Stow
